Next Generation Website Launch For Earnshaws Fencing Centres

Posted on September 25, 2023

Designed and developed in house by writer Neil Smith, digital design consultant Joey Haran, and web developer Faizan Ahmed, this new website reflects the growing destination status of the Midgley Centre, and the importance of a great website user experience (UXP) in building loyalty and engagement.

The WordPress front-end is integrated with the ecommerce-ready product pages managed by Easitill, all under creative direction and project management by Blacksmith.

On-going search engine optimisation (SEO) is coordinated by Blacksmith in association with Hot House. Regular news updates are written and uploaded by Blacksmith using the content management system (CMS).

The video loop running in the header was shot and edited by our video partners, Big Tank, with a starring role for Neil!

Rumour has it the client is pleased with the results!

To see what Blacksmith can do for you, get in touch today!