A Ballsy Campaign For UK Leisure Parks!

Posted on May 21, 2024

UKLP Clearance Event

We have recently designed an extensive campaign for UK Leisure Park’s Massive Spring Clearance Event!

The clients briefed us to “really turn up the volume” on a regional press campaign with digital ads – with a huge emphasis on the “sales-y” aspect of the campaign.

This was our client’s reaction to the ads: “I love them thank you! Thanks all – exactly on brief!”

We also implemented a brand-new splash page and dedicated click through page on the UK Leisure Parks website, with an unmissable new graphic to display the new prices in line with the ad campaigns.

Finally, we designed an e-shot to drive further footfall to the parks and generate more sales!

Our clients were thrilled with the whole campaign, and had this to say:

“Everything is wonderful and everything is lovely – thank you for pulling out all the stops!”

To see what Blacksmith can do for you, get in touch today!